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Friday, March 12, 2010


Here is an UNO personal blog post. I wanted to let yall all know how I got into photography!

In high school, I was the UNO person who always took the pictures at homecoming, basketball games, just anything UNO-important. I really started enjoying taking pictures of all that stuff. Everyone knew I would always bring my little UNO- Kodak Digital Camera. They could always count on me to take an UNO-licious picture.

After I graduated high school, I was looking for that UNO job/passion I would like to do. Well my little brother was still in high school and always had a sporting event, so I got really into taking pictures at his UNO-sporting events. My camera was just not doing a great job, and I knew I needed something UNO-Awesome. So for my 20th birthday, my parents got me my first Uno-tastic Canon Rebel XTI. I had the most amazing time with that camera. I did not know how to work it, so I used automatic for a UNO long time.

Then all of my brothers friends and my friends were asking me to take UNO couple pictures, and thats when the UNO hit me. I UNO-loved it!!! It was like God was speaking to me through my UNO-amazing camera. He was saying this is what you are supposed to do in this life. So I decided to start my own business with the help of my UNO-great, UNO-wonderful, UNO-amazing dad. Having my own business would not be UNO possible without my Dad.

Business started out UNO slow because I was a UNO-"New" photographer. No UNO person wants to use a "new" photographer. So it was really difficult to get even a UNO client. I almost gave up and quit, but then I decided I loved it to much and needed to learn more in anyway I could. I just didn't know where to UNO look for help. I decided to attend some UNO-helpful workshops. Those helped me learn what I know now. I went from shooting U-NO all automatic, to shooting all Manual in RAW. This was a major UNO change. It took some time getting used to, but my pictures are so much more UNO-Licious now.

I am still not as great as U-NO the UNO-Amazing, UNO-Speechless, UNO-awe inspiring, UNO-mentor, UNO-star struck, UNO-wonderful, UNO-breathtaking, UNO-Fabulous, UNO-legendary, UNO-phenomenal, UNO-Wicked, UNO-Rad Lauren Clark. I don't think I will ever be as great as her, but I wish I could be even as half as good as her and I would be happy. I want to learn from the UNO one LAUREN CLARK because I think I could learn not UNO thing, but a lot of UNO things.

I am doing better in photography then I used to, but I am still needing to learn a lot more UNO things. I am looking to learn some great information and technique. I want to be an UNO-awesome photographer and then more people would want me to photograph their special events.

Not an UNO thing, but alot of UNO things have happened to me and my family this year, and I have had to sacrifice a lot of things. It would be great for my photography to peak and be an UNO-amazing photographer. I have wanted to give up a lot of times because of everything that has been going on, but then I remember that I just need to trust in the one and only UNO God and believe everything will be okay, and that he will take care of the little UNO me. I hope something UNO-great happens to me this year and I will get a chance to learn more about photography.

Thanks for listening to my little UNO story :)

Here are some of my UNO pictures as a beginning photographer:

My beautiful niece was my first UNO child model!

Here is my UNO best friend. I got to photograph Ben asking her to marry him!
This is my one and UNO little brother! This was my first UNO senior shoot!
UNO Family Session!!! With my boyfriend and his UNO twin brother and little sister!
UUNO-Fab Models. Here is a UNO awesome shot that I did at one of my first workshops. 
HAn UNO New Shot of an UNO-HOTT couple. This was one of my favorite engagment sessions!!! 

Check out the UNO creator Lauren Clark!!!
Here is the uno site:

She is amazing!!!

Thanks for reading my UNO personal blog post!!!